Africa Femmes Performantes -African Women of Excellence Projects

Africa Femmes Performantes -African  Women of Excellence Projects

Press Room


Africa after the G20 London and Pittsburgh: The New Economic Parameters

Extraordinary Meeting in Brussels (Belgium) 7 to 10 April 2010

Patricia Faraut , President of the Africa Women are Effective, Inc.. participated in Montana Forum 2010 on Africa 7 to 10 April 2010. The Crans Montana Forum on Africa brought together the most influential leaders of industry, governments and civil society to enable them to contribute to make Africa a better place for foreign investment and businesses, and also to shape a more humane Africa. This forum was mainly devoted to the future of North-South cooperation while the SSC is now a primary objective for Africa.

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Preparation for the 4th International congress of Black Women March, 8-9-10, 2010 in Washington DC


Following the 3rd international congress of Black women held in December 2009, under the high patronage of the first Lady of the DRC, a decision was taken with the agreement of the First lady of the Republic of Zambia, to designate Zambia as the host country for the 4th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BLACK WOMEN. This congress is scheduled to take place in November 2010.

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Africare Senior Vice President Receives Presidential Award in Congo

Kinshasa, DRC, December 2, 2009 -- Jeannine B. Scott, Africare Senior Vice President, was awarded the Palme d'Excellence by President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The award, given to a woman who exemplifies long time excellence in economic development and entrepreneurship, was presented to Ms. Scott at the closing gala of the 3rd International Congress of Black Women. The annual conference is intended to promote and develop black women entrepreneurship worldwide. Read more


International Women's Day 2008 Celebration: Empowering Women in Africa - Washington DC

Founder of the International Congress of Black Women, Patricia Faraut, was introduced to attendees at the Afternoon tea organized by Africare House Washington D.C and The British embassy.

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                         Women from Alaska to Zambia

Leaders around the world paid tribute to International Women’s Day on Sat., March 8, 2008 as thousands of celebrations took place from Alaska to Zambia to honor this year’s theme of “shaping progress” and calling for global equity. And here in Washington, a steady of stream of events drew top officials—male and female—to highlight the advances as well as the challenges facing half the world’s population. read more

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